Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Big Move

Here are the states we drove through….


When you add Montana and Idaho to the list it adds up to 9 STATES that Oliver has already been to in just the first month of his little life. I guess we’re just preparing him to like travelling like his Mom and Dad.  J

The 26 hour drive went surprisingly well considering we were towing a Uhaul and travelling with a one month old baby and a dog. Oliver did SO WELL. I couldn’t have been happier. I pumped milk while we drove and bottle fed him in his car seat. When we stopped for gas I changed his diaper, burped him, put him back in his car seat and kept driving. It was amazing how well he did. He hardly made a peep the whole time! J

Loading up the Uhaul

Getting ready for the 26 hour journey. 

Oliver did SO amazingly well on the trip! He is such a good baby.

Pulling over for a diaper change. 

We did, however, have a few adventures along the way…
This was a quick stop we made in Wyoming to let Juneau out to run. I’m pretty sure these horses thought we were delivering their hay or something. They even let Juneau lick their hooves and they didn’t try to kick her or anything. Austin finally had to chase them away so we could keep driving.
We were having a problem with the wire connection between our car and the Uhaul so the brake lights and turn signals weren’t working on the Uhaul. We stopped a few times looking for someone who had the parts we needed to

1 comment:

  1. I remember traveling like that with Joe! We're convinced the more you travel with kids while theyre teeny, the better travelers they will be! Although there is always one trip, right after they start crawling and hate being still, and that trip will royally suck. But just one! :)
