Christmas and New Years 2012-2013
Layover in Salt Lake City
We were so lucky to have a quick layover in Salt Lake City and even luckier to have most of the Boles family there at the airport to see us! My amazing in-laws brought KFC, soda and donuts and a few blankets for us to sit on. We had a picnic in middle of the terminal! haha. It was really fun hanging out with each other for an hour before we had to head back through security to catch our last flight. Poor Ollie was extremely overtired and was pretty fussy the whole time. But, everyone loved seeing him anyway.
Oliver with Grandpa Boles |
Meghan, Ollie, Tallon, Adelaide and Karma Sue |
Oliver, Grandpa, Austin, Karma Sue, Wyatt, Adelaide, Ellis, Meghan, Shawna and Tallon (almost the entire family!) |
Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning
Oliver's first visit with Santa Clause |
Hannah, Hope, Grandma and Grandpa Whitney and Oliver |
Our family always re-inacts the nativity story from the Bible on Christmas Eve! We were a little short on actors this year so we made do with only one wise man, one shepherd and a dog as the sheep. :) |
Oliver opening his Dr. Seuss books from Santa |
Presents!!!! |
Me, Austin and Ollie |
He was a pretty happy (and spoiled) little baby! |
Trip to Sunriver
On Christmas day we drove to Sunriver, Oregon to spend a few days in a huge vacation house. EVERYONE was there (Dad, Mom, Hannah, Hope, Austin and Me with Oliver, Chris and Dev with Bailey and Luke, and Josh and Rissa with Ender)! The only person who wasn't there was Angie. We missed Angie so much! She was spending Christmas in Mexico with her family.
It was so fun! We did so many fun things including skiing at Mt. Bachelor, hot tubbing (the house had a hot tub on the back deck), sledding, playing in the snow, swimming at this really cool aquatic center, shopping, making delicious food together, playing games, watching movies, staying up late, etc.! We had WAY too much fun!
Oliver's first time sledding! He didn't really react. haha. |
Grandpa teaching Ollie to drive! |
All of us at the pool |
He doesn't seem excited in this picture... but he LOVED swimming! He was laughing and splashing all around. It was so much fun! |
Hanging Out in Medford
Hannah, Me and Ollie playing with toys |
Luke (6 weeks), Ender (3 months) and Oliver (5 months)! |
Outdoor ice skating in Ashland |
Grandpa and Grandma holding Oliver and Ender |
The last time we went ice skating together was in 2008 when we were first dating and he held my hand for the first time! |
Our happy little family |
Hiking Roxyann (a pretty amateur hike but fun for a short afternoon thing) |
Playing at the top of Roxyann |
We happened upon this adventure ropes course and snuck on to some of the equipment! :) |